

QuestionsCategory: Magento 2 Questionsmagento-2-render-wysiwyg-content-on-pdp-page-if-the-attribute-name-is-edit_content
sunny asked 3 years ago

Magento 2 Render WYSIWYG content on pdp page if the attribute name is edit_content .The WYSIWYG editor is in the the product edit/create page from where the image is uploaded and after uploading the image it will render to the PDP page on magento

1 Answers
Best Answer
Qaisar Satti Staff answered 3 years ago

You can resolve the issue with the following example. magento 2 render wysiwyg content assign this render content to variable and replace it with edit_content.

echo str_replace("edit_content",$renderContent,$pdfContent);