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Override magento controller

Override magento controller

Override magento controller

Today, we’ll talk about how to override a magento controller.Every Magento project requires a certain level of customization. This may involve adding a new element or overriding an existing one. For any suggestions & question, please feel free to drop a comment.

First Step:

I am overriding the customer controller. First thing will create new module file.
The file location will me  will be


<?xml version="1.0"?>

Second Step:

We will create module configuration file. So file location will be


<?xml version="1.0"?>
                            <QaisarSatti_Customer before="Mage_Customer">QaisarSatti_Customer</QaisarSatti_Customer>

Third Step:

Now we will create the Our controller file.



* Overriding Customer account controller

require_once Mage::getModuleDir('controllers', 'Mage_Customer') . DS . 'AccountController.php';

class QaisarSatti_Customer_AccountController extends Mage_Customer_AccountController {

public function ajaxAction() {  //if you want to create a custom method in customer controller
   echo 'Ajax cction is working!!';

public function loginAction() {
   echo 'Overring the Login Action is working';

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