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Magento 2 create custom model

Magento 2 create custom model

Magento 2 create custom model

Every custom module that need to interact with database for that we need to create model. So today we talk about how to create magento 2 create custom model. Model consist of three files model file, resource model file and collection. So let create the our model file.

Step 1: Model file

Model file is pointing out our resource model. Here is example code model file on Github.


namespace QaisarSatti\HelloWorld\Model;

    class Helloworld extends \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel  
        protected function _construct()

Step 2: Create Resource model file

In resource model file we initialize table name and primary key column name. Here is example code resource model file on Github.


namespace QaisarSatti\HelloWorld\Model\ResourceModel;

use \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDb;

class Helloworld extends AbstractDb


    protected function _construct()


        $this->_init('blog_posts', 'post_id');



Step 3: Collection model

In collection model file have initialize model and resource model. Here is example code collection model file on Github.


namespace QaisarSatti\HelloWorld\Model\ResourceModel\Helloworld;

use Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\AbstractCollection;

class Collection extends AbstractCollection


    protected function _construct()




Here is complete example code on Github

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