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WooCommerce get product information by id

WooCommerce get product information by id

Today we talk about how in WooCommerce get product information by id? In our example, we will get product information like name, type, description, short description, SKU, modify date, create date, and status. WooCommerce uses the wc_get_product function to get the product information. So let’s start with our example.

$p_id = 20;
$product_info = wc_get_product( $p_id );
 // Get Product ID
$product_info->get_id(); // get product id
$product_info->get_type(); // get product type
$product_info->get_name(); // get product name
$product_info->get_slug(); // get product slug
$product_info->get_date_created();  // get product created date
$product_info->get_date_modified();  // get product modify date
$product_info->get_status();   // get product status
$product_info->get_catalog_visibility(); // get product visibility
$product_info->get_description(); // get product description
$product_info->get_short_description(); // get product short description
$product_info->get_sku();   // get product sku
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