Magento 2 most viewed product collection
Let’s talk about using report collection so today we talk about how to get Magento 2 most viewed product collection. Most viewed production collection in depend on number of time product viewed by user. First we have to inject the Reports\ProductCollection in you block or helper any other file you want to use it. So let start with coding. In this example I am going to inject into my block.
Step 1: Create a block file
* Simple Hello World Module
* @category QaisarSatti
* @package QaisarSatti_HelloWorld
* @author Muhammad Qaisar Satti
* @Email
namespace QaisarSatti\HelloWorld\Block;
class BestSeller extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
protected $_collectionFactory;
protected $_productsFactory;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Reports\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory $productsFactory,
array $data = []
) {
$this->_productsFactory = $productsFactory;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getMostViewedData(){
$mostViewedCollection = $this->_productsFactory->create()->addViewsCount();
return $mostViewedCollection;
* Simple Hello World Module
* @category QaisarSatti
* @package QaisarSatti_HelloWorld
* @author Muhammad Qaisar Satti
* @Email
namespace QaisarSatti\HelloWorld\Block;
class BestSeller extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
protected $_collectionFactory;
protected $_productsFactory;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Reports\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory $productsFactory,
array $data = []
) {
$this->_productsFactory = $productsFactory;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getMostViewedData(){
$mostViewedCollection = $this->_productsFactory->create()->addViewsCount();
return $mostViewedCollection;
Step 2: Show Output
Getting collection in phtml file from block.
* Simple Hello World Module
* @category QaisarSatti
* @package QaisarSatti_HelloWorld
* @author Muhammad Qaisar Satti
* @Email
*/ -->
$mostViewedProduct = $block->getMostViewedData(); ?>
<h1>Most Viewed Collection.....</h1>
<?php foreach ($mostViewedProduct as $viewedProduct) {
<li><?php echo $viewedProduct>getSku();?>--<?php echo $viewedProduct>getViews();?></li>
<?php } ?>
* Simple Hello World Module
* @category QaisarSatti
* @package QaisarSatti_HelloWorld
* @author Muhammad Qaisar Satti
* @Email
*/ -->
$mostViewedProduct = $block->getMostViewedData(); ?>
<h1>Most Viewed Collection.....</h1>
<?php foreach ($mostViewedProduct as $viewedProduct) {
<li><?php echo $viewedProduct>getSku();?>--<?php echo $viewedProduct>getViews();?></li>
<?php } ?>
2 thoughts on “Magento 2 most viewed product collection”
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Hi Dear,
I need your help, actually, we need DB table name where save the most_viewed counting information. Actually, we need SQL query so that we can run our database and can get the result.
This is table name report_viewed_product_index