How to Add State(s) to Countries in WooCommerce
Today we are going to talk about adding state(s) to countries in WooCommerce. You have to paste the following function in your active/child theme’s function.php file.
add_filter('woocommerce_states', 'qaisarsatti_country_states');
function qaisarsatti_country_states( $states ) {
// If states already exist
if( isset($states['US'] ) ) {
$states['AE']['LA'] = __('Los Angeles', 'woocommerce');
// IF states don't exist for
else {
$states['US'] = array(
'LA' => __('Los Angeles', 'woocommerce'),
return $states;
function qaisarsatti_country_states( $states ) {
// If states already exist
if( isset($states['US'] ) ) {
$states['AE']['LA'] = __('Los Angeles', 'woocommerce');
// IF states don't exist for
else {
$states['US'] = array(
'LA' => __('Los Angeles', 'woocommerce'),
return $states;