Magento 2 uninstall Module

Today we discuss about Magento 2 uninstall module.This tutorial include how to uninstall or remove or delete module or extension completely from magento 2, uninstall or remove or delete magento 2 module or extension manually. So let start with our example.

Uninstall module with Command

First example will be how to delete or uninstall a module from command line. It will only work when you install a module from composer.

php bin/magento module:disable QaisarSatti_HelloWorld --clear-static-content
php bin/magento module:uninstall QaisarSatti_HelloWorld -r
composer update
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Uninstall module manually

You can delete or uninstall module manually following below step. For example my module name is QaisarSatti_HelloWorld.

  • Delete the Module folder QaisarSatti from app\code
  • Remove module QaisarSatti_HelloWorld entry from setup_module table

Now run following command.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:flush

Qaisar Satti

Hi, I'm Qaisar Satti! I've been a developer for over 20 years, and now I love sharing what I've learned through tutorials and guides. Whether you're working with Magento, PrestaShop, or WooCommerce, my goal is to make your development journey a bit easier and more fun. When I'm not coding or writing, you can find me exploring new tech trends and hanging out with the amazing developer community. Thanks for stopping by, and happy coding!

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